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Book & Articeles

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​50 Exercises Trilogy

Activities for Group Leaders, Therapist & Trainers 

These books create a Trilogy that include practical, accessible and inspiring tools for group leaders, therapists and actors. These are step by step guides to plan and create amazing workshops and gatherings on any topic, from artistic to the therapeutic sector, and even social functions. Most of the activites can be adapted to Zoom.

The exercises use vocal work, physical warm-ups, improvisation, work with objects, play, narrative work, games of acquaintance, and physical work. They offer a complete set of tools that the Facilitator can use to make workshops easier and more professional.

These activities have been very carefully selected. They come from various forms of art: theater, dance, improvisation, Playback theatre, music, storytelling, medical clowning, and more. They will enable participants to experience a variety of roles and skills: personal expressions, externalizing inner feelings, self-expression, and creativity. The activities exercise a variety of senses, move through stage action, develop body language, help with interpersonal communication, train in the art of give and take, and strengthen listening, observation, and concentration.

The printed books and ebooks (Kindle) are now available on

you can also purchase the printed books by message me on facbook


printed book : $22, Shipping  : $10 (for 1,2 or 3 books) 

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In 2018, Nir Raz together with Ronen Kowalsky and Shoshi Keisari co-authored the book, Hall of Mirrors on Stage – Introduction to Psychotherapy in the Playback Theatre, published by the Emily Segol Center and the University of Haifa. And on February They publish in the Iptn journal the article ‘Playback Theatre on the Couch’ and in the Journal ‘The Arts of Psychotherapy’ the article Hall of Mirrors on Stage – Introduction to Psychotherapy in the Playback Theatre. They also published the article  ‘MacKenzie Gets Up on Stage’, that was published in the journal of the Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy, Mikbatz. And They


Halls of mirrors on stage 

The book, “Hall of Mirrors on Stage - An Introduction to Psychotherapeutic Playback Theatre” is the first to present Playback Theatre as a form of group psychotherapy. This unique field of therapy, the theoretical thinking behind it, as well as the numerous different considerations and diverse possibilities involved in using this technique, are all discussed in detail in the book. We now present it to readers as a possible path towards expansion and growth as conductors in this newly evolving field of group therapy.

The creation of a multi-level theory which, on one hand, is anchored in concepts from the fields of psychoanalysis, theater, art history and philosophy and; on the other, is based on a spontaneous and elusive experience – is, in its very essence, replete with contradictions. Our many years in the field, and the numerous experiences accumulated whilst assembling the ideas presented in this book, led us to the understanding that contradictions become paradoxes, which manage to contain seemingly hidden aspects as parts of the whole. The psychotherapeutic process through Playback Theatre, works in a similar manner. This process embraces both group psychoanalytic therapy, as well as performance-theatrical improvisation, producing echoes created by reflections and imagination. Psychotherapeutic Playback Theater (PPT) provides an opportunity for growth - emerging from the gap existing between the individual and his community, flexibility and creativity alongside structure and permanence. All of these components are directed towards the paradoxical moment when the individual suddenly recognizes himself in new ways; like looking into a mirror for the very first time. In these paradoxical moments, the different aspects of the individual’s experience co-exist simultaneously, complementing one another and, as a result, enabling transformation.


  MacKenzie Gets Up on Stage 


The article was published in the journal of the Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy, Mikbatz.



Playback Theater is a communally structured improvisational theater in which a group of actors creates a theatrical event in response to a personal life story told by an audience member. Psychotherapy in Playback Theater is a group therapy approach which places the playback ritual in the center of it. This essay will deal with psychotherapy groups using Playback Theater and will focus on the way stages in the group process, based on a model created by MacKenzie & Livesley, come to expression  (MacKenzie & Livesley, 1983). We will offer tools for recognizing the stage in which the group is at as well as offer the appropriate interventions for every stage, by means of structured theatrical patterns from the psychotherapy world of  Playback Theater.


Different theories dealing with groups perceive group therapy as one that progresses in stages. MacKenzie (MacKenzie, 1990) describes three independent dimensions when depicting the group: attachment, avoidance and conflict. This essay will focus on the way the theatrical representations which arise in the group process in psychotherapy in Playback Theater express these three dimensions. Therefore the process enables the experience of a concrete stage for the theater of the soul. The model we suggest enables the group to deal with the developmental tasks each group stage poses before the participants, using tools from the psychotherapy field in Playback Theater.

This essay will focus on a model created by MacKenzie & Livesley, a model which portrays the typical group climate, in which every stage of the model incorporates a central developmental task which includes a series of interpersonal issues to which the group must address in order to keep developing. MacKenzie & Livesley’s group model is a super-theory with six development stages: 1. the attachment stage 2. the separation stage 3. the individuation stage  4. the intimacy stage  5. the mutuality stage  6. the parting stage.

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